- Design Disruptors, Short Talk + Q&A — Utrecht, November 23, 2016
- I joined this exclusive documentary screening for a short talk about the reality of designing at scale and how it can or can't translate to agency work environments. — Hosted by the wonderfull ladies @ Ladies that US Utrecht. DESIGN DISRUPTORS reveals a never-before-seen perspective on the design approaches of 15+ industry-shaking companies, and how they’re using the power of design to disrupt billion dollar industries.
- Segue16 by Q42, Conference Talk + Q&A — Amsterdam, November 11, 2016
- The Artist as Critic - I gave an extended talk in which I ask the audience to seriously reflect not just on how to better make products or use better tools, but to also reflect on how we work. Process. I deep dived into to main themes, use of information and decision making. All framed by personal stories, and annecdotes to make the abstract topcis more concrete.
- Design Details, Podcast Interview — San Francisco, June 1, 2016
- Episode 135: How Hard Can It Be? - Joined the talented Brian Lovin and Bryn Jackson to "dig into Jasper's past, the creation and evolution of SOFA, moving to Palo Alto by way of Facebook, craft and icon design, managing teams and processes, and so much more".
- Stanford, Panel Discussion + Q&A — Palo Alto, May 18, 2015
- Design Implementation: Getting to Market - Per invitation of Christopher Ireland I joined a small panel of industry professionals to discuss getting to market, and field questions about process and the product design industry as a whole.
- CCA, MFA Project Judging — April 22, 2015
- Per the invitation of the always lovely Maria Guidice, I joined a small group of industry proffesionals to help judge an amazing array of project presentations for startup ideas.
- What Design Can Do!. Documentary — February, 2015
- GRAPHIC DESIGN DOESN’T EXIST ANYMORE — What does it mean to be a graphic designer in a world that is in transition? A world where old economic models are under fire, established institutions are in danger of disappearing and fundamental social behaviours are changing. The documentary The new design landscape dives into this question. —
Designers who can think creatively and solve problems are very well positioned to play a constructive and leading role in how we should automate things and make them enjoyable, easy, and beautiful.
— Jasper Hauser
- CCA, Lecture + Q&A — December 4, 2014
- Data & Design — Data is just another form of feedback, wether qualitative or quantattive. Just like feedback from a good teacher or peer it's an oppertunity to learn, gain experience, and further hone your own intuitions.
- Facebook Design, Blog — April 29, 2014
Interview — Informed design On how he balances qualitative (feelings and observations) and quantitative (clicks and hard data) information and uses it to inform his design work. On one hand, design is a craft and choices are made based on care, inspiration and exploration. On the other hand, we have an immense opportunity to use quantitative data make better design decisions.
- The Great UX Debate, Amsterdam — February 7 2014
Panel Discussion — Resolving some tough UX community statements. @jasperhauser: Having rules & guides can be useful especially at the beginning of your career. Flexibility later on is great!
, A balance of product specialists, researchers and analysts to understand their users.
- HKU Design, Utrecht — February 7 2014
- Talk — Future of graphic design. Design in silicon valley.
- Vandejong - Interaction 14, Amsterdam — February 5 2014
Talk — Facebook. Why we do what we do. A sneak peak into the world of one of the largest companies today. Which roles do designers have within Facebook, which products are they working on right now, and how should we as designers deal with things like testing and data?
- Fastcompany Article — April 23, 2013

Facebook Rethinks Brand Pages on Mobile — Facebook product design manager Jasper Hauser explains why the social network has replaced its one-size-fits-all timelines with category-specific pages for brands, businesses, and organizations on mobile
- Businessweek Article — April 23, 2013
Facebook Upgrades Pages Service for Companies on Mobile — Facebook, which boosted the speed of the Pages service, will tailor pages to different types of companies, said Jasper Hauser, who heads product design for Pages.
- Icemobile, Amsterdam — March 2013
- Talk — Culture and process at Facebook.
- Bright, Magazine — October 22, 2012
Dutch Interface Design in Silicon Valley — Dutch rock star talent at the design helm at Adobe, Apple and Facebook.
- Designer Founders, Book Interview — January 2012
- Part of a series of interviews, bundled in a book, about the path I took to create a tech startup with design at it's core.
- School of Visual Arts (SVA), New York — November 2012
- Workshop — Designing a social app.
- San Jose State University, San Jose — December 2011
- Critique — Student projects, mobile design.
- The Icon Handbook, Book Interview — December 22, 2011
Interview and multiple shocases of work. — How do you go about crafting the right message, the tone, the line work and getting it to work in the environment it's supposed to; be it mobile, operating system, or browser. Thankfully we now have the place to go.
Buy the book
- Facebook Design, Post — August 1, 2011
Jasper Hauser joins the Product Design team.
- NRC, Newspaper Article — June 18, 2011
American dream in Amsterdam — From Amsterdam startup to the hottest company of Silicon Valley. Last week software and design company Sofa was acquired by social network Facebook. Talented Dutch nerds embark on an American adventure.
- Facebook Design, Post — June 10, 2011
So thrilled to announce that the Sofa team will be joining Facebook in the next few weeks!
- Made by Sofa Blog, Post — June 9, 2011
We're excited to announce today that Facebook has acquired the Sofa team.
- Many Mirrors, madebysofa.com — July 2 2010
- The story behind the Kaleidoscope app icon.
- Kings Of Code, Amsterdam — June 29 2009
- Talk — The role of version control in product development, using Versions.
- Financieel Dagblad, Newspaper Article — May 6, 2009
Young Entrepreneur, Softwaremaker — Uit irritatie geboren kassasysteem grote hit bij Amerikaanse retailers.
- Iconic, madebysofa.com — May 7 2009
- The story behind the Checkout app icon.
- One More Thing, Vodcast Interview — Macworld 2009 The Expo — January 10, 2009
- Video interview about Checkout.
- Mozilla, madebysofa.com — December 17 2008
- Design collaboration between Mozilla, Alex Faaborg, and Sofa for various Firefox icon collateral.
- Financieel Dagblad, Newspaper Article — July 25, 2008
- Made in Holland — Apple-kassa.
- Apple Store, San Francisco — June 2007
- Talk — Bootstrapping a startup through design consultancy.
- Symbiosis — March 26 2007
- On the imporatance of good coordination between icons and the accompaning names and labels.
- MacFan, Magazine Article — March 1, 2007
Mac & Co: Op de bank met Sofa — Met het programma Checkout probeert Madebysofa BV naam te maken als ontwikkelaar die schoonheid en functionaliteit combineert tot toegankelijke software. En dat lijkt te lukken ook. Zelfs Apple houdt het Nederlandse bedrijfje in de gaten!
Mac & Co: On the couch with Sofa — With the app Checkout Madebysofa is trying to make a name for itself as the developer that combines beauty and functionaly to create accesible software. And it seems to work. Even Apple is keeping an eye on this Ducth company!
- Fire Starter — November 7 2006
- The story behind the Disco app icon.
- MacFanatic, Article — November 6, 2006
Seems like Austin and Jasper make an amazing team and I’m excited to see what else they come up with not only with Disco, but for the Mac community in the coming years.
- Xtorrent Icon — September 12 2006
- The story behind the Xtorrent app icon.
- Daring Fireball, Post — September 8, 2006
...It’s very much in the direction I think Apple is going to go with Mac OS X — flatter with less translucency. Keep your eye on Jasper Hauser.
- Big Ass Icons — August 15 2006
- On how to design big, really big, icons for OS X.
- Obviousness — July 29 2006
- I treasure the books, websites and gadgets that are easy to figure out while having a distinct look and feel of their own. It's the obvious where you think: "how could it ever be anything else".
- O'REILLY' Interview — July 24, 2006
I guess there are two extremes in icon design; foto realisme (Aqua) and abstract. Then there is the middle area, more a fantasy area; that is where the fun stuff happens, like the Adium icon. No-one in their right mind would make it or think about it; the sport is to do it nonetheless.
- Coverflow Icon — May 20 2006
- The story behind the Coverflow app icon.
- A History of the Camino app icon — May 11 2006
- The story behind the Camino app icon.
- Appzapper Inside — February 12 2006
- The story behind the Appzapper app icon.
- HKU Design, Utrecht — 2006
- Workshop — Webdesign basics, write your own html & css.