to Jasperhauser.nl Icon Design. A service launched early 2004.
Here you can get custom made icons to give your product or web
site the professional look your user expects to see.
The look and feel of the icons in an application
have great influence on how your users react to and use your application,
outdated or poorly designed icons may give the wrong impression
about the quality of your application. I will help improve your
application by adding high quality icons or by giving advice on
the applications user interface.
I provide high quality application icons (128px - 256px), toolbar
icons (32px, 24px & 16px) custom UI elements such as buttons
for OS X. And user interface design and consulting for applications
for OS X. As well as package design, web design for any of your
products, and graphic design in general.
Payment & Pricing
For information on pricing of the services please email me the
product or project description and information. I will contact
you when possible and create a custom estimate.
Payment can be done by Pay Pal though
I prefer an international money transfer. All required information
can be found in my vCard.
Under certain circumstances I'm willing to work (partially) for
free on products if they are and stay freeware or opensource software.
I have done so for both Camino and Adium, please email or message
me and perhaps we will talk it over.
License Agreement v3.0
By purchasing or downloading any icons from me (Jasper Hauser),
you (the purchaser), automatically agree to the following:
The icons can be used royalty-free by you for any personal, commercial
project including web design, software, application, advertising,
film, video, and computer game.
You may depict the icons in your product documentation, its help
files and advertising materials that come with your product. You
are free to distribute and sell your products containing my icons
without further royalties.
All icon files are provided "As is". You agree not to
hold me liable for any negative result or damages that may occur
during the course of using, or inability to use, icons or image
data from me.
The icons may not be sublicensed, resold, rented, transferred,
or otherwise made available for use or detached from a product,
software application, or web page. The Icons may not be placed
on any electronic bulletin board or downloadable format.
You may not use, or allow anyone else to use the icons to create
pornographic, libelous, obscene, or defamatory material.
When purchasing icons you get the exclusive right of use. And
agree that objects of the icon may be re-used and altered for use
in other projects unrelated to you. You agree that all copyrights
and ownership of the purchased icons always remain property of
Website copyright information
All ownership of the images and icons contained or distributed
on this web site are property of Jasper Hauser. I encourage you
to contact me to seek permission to use any given image for any